A Lifelong Journey of Faith, Hope and Trust

My Journey
Healing Powers
I have always been a very spiritual person; I believe that God or the universe has a way of guiding us through our lives with the help of intuition or messages from loved ones across the veil, our guardian angels, and maybe even Jesus. However, I am now aware that my gifts are blessings that allow me to connect from beyond. My passion is to bring awareness and healing through love, replace fear with faith, and teach others to open up their spiritual potential.
Welcome to
When I Met Jesus
As I think about my story and how I will ever begin to share it, I have a question for you. What if I told you that when I was fifteen, I physically saw Jesus? Would you believe me? Or would you think I was on something, or at the very least making the story up? And, even crazier, what if I told you Jesus came to me at three- thirty-one morning in early 2021 and said, "Write the book, finish it and give it away for free." I didn't think twice when signing the publishing contract. (It's not cheap!) But I do believe that "what you give out returns ten-fold," and whether it's monetarily or helping people that's all that matters. While paperback copies are available for purchase, the Ebook will always be free on Amazon and other retailers. If you enjoy the book, please share it with your friends. He wants everyone to read it and I was overjoyed when I saw that as of September 2022, there have been over 5,000 downloads! Our book was an Amazon Best Seller in 13 categories + internationally and it was a finalist in the 2022 Next Generation Indie Book Awards! Now to find an international publishing company...yes, He wants it in another language!

"To comfort those who are grieving
or nearing transition, and replace
fear with faith by sharing my visits with Jesus."
Debra Moore Ewing

I CAN HELP . . . Are you looking for answers, or perhaps would like to receive a confirmation your life is on the right track? Would you like to connect with a loved one across the veil, or maybe even Jesus? You’ve come to the right place. I love helping people develop the tools they need to cope with life’s questions, and ultimately feel peace and love.